Martina Burdet Dombald


Full Member and Training Analyst at the Madrid Psychoanalytical Association (Spain), component Society of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) and Member of the SPP (Société Psychanalytique de Paris).
Currently working in private practice in Madrid. She has held different positions including member of the Board at her Society, Publication Committee, Teacher and Supervisor at the Psychoanalytical Training Institute. Since 2016 she has been the General Secretary of the European Psychoanalytical Federation (EPF) and is a member of the Sino European project between EPF and the Chinese Association for Mental Health (CAMH).
She is the author of many publications on the topics of: masochism, transference-countertransference, psychosexuality, the Oedipus complex, excitation, love and trauma.
She recently published (2018) her first book: Love in the Internet Era. Do you l@ve me or do you follow me” (Underbau. Spanish version). Soon available in English.