Laurence Kahn
An Ancient Greek anthropologist before becoming a psychoanalyst, Laurence Kahn is a full member of the Psychoanalytic Association of France, where she has held the roles of president, secretary general, and scientific secretary.
Co-editor of the Nouvelle revue de pschyanalyse (1990-1995), and director of l’Annuel de l’APF, she is the author of many books, namely L’Écoute de l’analyste (2012), Le psychanalyste apathique et le patient postmoderne (2014, Psychoanalysis, Apathy and the Postmodern Patient, Routledge, 2018) et Ce que le nazisme a fait à la psychanalyse (2018, What Nazism Did to Psychoanalysis, Routledge, upcoming).