Lic. Decio Gurfinkel
Decio Gurfinkel, psychoanalyst, is member of the Departments of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychosomatics of the Institute Sedes Sapientiae. He there teaches the course Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytical Psychosomatics and Drugs, dependence and autonomy: high on the divan. He has a PhD from IPUSP and a postdoc from PUC-SP. He is the author of, among others: Relações de objeto [Object relations] (Blucher, 2017); Adicções: paixão e vicio [Addictions: passion and vice] (Casa do Psicólogo, 2011); Sonhar, dormir e psicanalisar: viagens ao informe [Dreaming, sleeping, and psychoanalyzing: journeys to the shapeless] (Escuta, 2008).